The Antwerp Central Station (Belgium) is the most beautiful train station in Europe, according to a study from travel website Second came Gare des Bénédictins, located in Limoges (France), followed by The Central Station in Groningen (Netherlands). asked their visiters to choose the most beautiful station on the basis of preselected photos from station all over Europe. Less than 48 % of the respondents placed the 105-year-old Antwerp Central Station first.
The complete list:
1. Antwerp Central Station (Belgium)
2. Gare des Bénédictins, Limoges (France)
3. Groningen Central Station (Netherlands)
4. Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Germany)
5. Helsinki Central (Finland)
6. Lugovaya Station, Vladivostok (Russia)
7. Luik-Guillemins (Belgium)
8. Atocha, Madrid (Spain)
9. Haydarpasa, Istanbul (Turkey)
10. St. Pancras, London (England)
My favourites:
Groningen Station
Berlin Hauptbahnhof
(I've actually been there and it's really impressive)
Atocha, Madrid
(I've been there two years ago and this one is my actual favorite)
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