Sunday, 26 August 2012

Food art

Dressing a plate gets a whole new meaning with these food plates by Boguslaw Sliwinski, he has lots of other great ones on his site too!


Saturday, 25 August 2012

Magical star trails

I absolutely loooove these photographs. They where made by Flight Engineer at Expedition 31 from Nasa Don Pettit. Here's how he made them: “My star trail images are made by taking a time exposure of about 10 to 15 minutes. However, with modern digital cameras, 30 seconds is about the longest exposure possible, due to electronic detector noise effectively snowing out the image. To achieve the longer exposures I do what many amateur astronomers do. I take multiple 30-second exposures, then ‘stack’ them using imaging software, thus producing the longer exposure." Don't you want to go to space right now, this minute? I know I do!



Thursday, 23 August 2012

Ryan Gosling gets his own color book

So, grab you're crayons and start coloring because Ryan Gosling got his own color book. How cool's that?

Color him good ladies! You can buy the book here.


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